Development Outside of the Downtown

     To see someplace other than the historic downtown of Delaware, I walked east from Sandusky Street.  I ended up at the intersection of Troy Road and Central Avenue.  One of the biggest things here is the hospital, Grady.  It is a large hospital and the only one in Delaware.  I had to spend an entire week here when I had blood clots and had to wait for them to dissolve.  It wasn’t a fun experience to lay in bed for a week, but the hospital itself was very nice.  This area looks somewhat like the downtown area of Delaware, but it is a lot less fancy.

     Here we have the same type of buildings, made of brick and touching each other with no space in between.  They are set up in more of a shopping square rather than the way the downtown is set up.  The types of shops here are the biggest difference.  The main downtown area has mostly fancy shops, especially the restaurants.  There are nice sit down restaurants in the downtown, but out here there is a gas station right in the center of everything with McDonald’s and other fast food restaurants.  There is also a Hobby Central and a medical store.

     One of the nicer places is the Final Score, which is a sports bar.  It is a pretty nice place even though it has more people from Columbus now than from Delaware on a usual Saturday night.  It is a fun place to go.  Next door to it is a karate studio that complains about the smoke coming from the bar.  This doesn’t make a lot of sense to me I feel like that’s a risk of renting a place next to a bar, but the keep complaining.

     The houses nearby are a lot different from downtown.  They aren’t brick like everything else around, but normal modern looking houses.  These houses nearby have space between them and yards unlike the downtown houses and apartments.  These are usually considered in a nicer area than right downtown.

1 thought on “Development Outside of the Downtown

  1. bbonacci

    I thought you had a nice blog post and had some good information. I remember you talking a lot more in detail about it in class and I think it would be good to go into a little more detail here. Maybe include a few pictures?


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